GCS Geoscience

Greg Schlenker PhD PG


Engineering Geology

Geographic Information

Environmental Planning


 d|(801) 745 0262

m|(801) 458-0207



Materials/Source Investigations

Staker & Parson aggregate highwall, Beck Street, Salt Lake City, Utah

Mine plan, UDOT Beck Street Quarry, Davis County, Utah


Utah Division Of Oil Gas and Mining (DOGM) Large Mining Operation Permitting, Beck Street Quarry, City of North Salt Lake, Utah - Project Geologist, 2006.  Prepared permitting for a Large Mining Operation regulated by the State of Utah DOGM for an aggregate rock Quarry that was to be used for materials for the construction of the Legacy Highway in northern Utah.  The permit application required the development a mine operations and reclamation plans for mine development, operations and closure. Development and operations plans required the description of equipment used, routing of haul trucks, blasting patterns and estimates to be used on the site.  The reclamation plans required descriptions of topsoil management and sequestering, design and stability analysis of final mine cut highwall, and final re-contouring and revegetation of the site, and an estimate of surety to be bonded for the mine reclamation costs.

Bulk aggregate sampling and crushing, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah

Michael Army Airfield Reconstruction Phase II, Aggregate Investigation, Dugway Proving - Project Geologist, 2002.  Aggregate Source Investigation for Proposed US Army 15,000-foot Fixed Wing Runway, Dugway Proving Grounds.  Investigated numerous aggregate source locations at the proving grounds to identify source locations with adequate aggregate resource volumes for the construction of a 15,000-foot fixed wing runway. Eight sites were initially considered for resource development with two sites selected for resource volume and material quality exploration. Ultimately 1.2-million tons of suitable materials were identified to satisfy the 0.75-ton product requirement for the runway construction.

Michael Army Airfield Reconstruction Phase III, Aggregate Investigation, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah - Project Geologist, 2002 to 2005. The reconstruction of the Michael Army Airfield at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah required the development of new aggregate sources on the Proving Ground that could provide 1.25 million tons of aggregate for the reconstruction of two aircraft runways, 8,000 and 15,000 feet long. The 8,000- foot runway was to serve as an interim asphalt runway during the reconstruction of the 15,000-foot Portland concrete (PCC) main runway.  During 2002 preliminary aggregate source evaluations for the 8,000-foot asphalt runway, which was constructed in 2003, the two aggregate source areas used were found to be lacking in suitable sand and gravel gradations, or to be comprised of lithologies unsuitable for the PCC materials that would eventually be needed for the main runway scheduled for construction in 2005. To locate adequate materials for the PCC runway requirements a geological and geomorphological GIS database was constructed by integrating existing geological mapping and geomorphological models relating to Pleistocene Lake Bonneville hydrography. The GIS helped to identify 10 candidate sand and gravel and rock aggregate sites on the Proving Ground that were later explored, sampled and tested for the runway PCC requirements.  Despite the Proving Ground being nearly as large in area as Rhode Island, only a limited area was found to possess suitable lithologies for the PCC runway requirements. The GIS was also used to prioritize the selected sites for final selection of two sites on the basis of material suitability criteria, site access, proximity to the runway, and available water source locations.

Oblique image Staker & Parson aggregate highwall with geological interpretation overlay, Beck Street, Salt Lake City, Utah

Geologic Materials Assessment Staker Paving Beck Street Quarry, Approximately 2100 North Beck Street, Salt Lake City, Utah - Project Manager,2000.  Study was conducted to assess the nature and distribution of geologic-materials at the site. This assessment evaluated the distribution of competent Paleozoic rocks as opposed to the softer Tertiary and Quaternary rocks, for the development of a mining plan at the Beck Street Quarry.


Reclamation Highwall Evaluation, Staker and Hughes Quarries, approximately 2100 North Beck Street, Salt Lake City, Utah - Project Manager, 1995. The study was conducted to evaluate the geological conditions affecting the long-term-future stability of adjacently owned coarse aggregate quarries. The geology of the sites and critical rock structure data were mapped in the field and static and dynamic slope stability analyses were modeled for differing slope angle/benching scenarios. Final slope configurations were recommended for closure and reclamation planning.