GCS Geoscience

Greg Schlenker PhD PG


Engineering Geology

Geographic Information

Environmental Planning


 d|(801) 745 0262

m|(801) 458-0207



Whats New

New GCS Geoscience Project Atlas KML

This Atlas includes a partial geographic location inventory of geoenvironmental project locations investigated by Gregory Schlenker, PhD, PG, principal investigator of GCS Geoscience LLC.

GCS Geoscience Locations, USA

Draper Debris Flow Hazard Evaluation

Debris-flow hazard evaluation involves the analysis of ten independent basins impacting a site in Draper, Utah.  Analysis involved evaluating and estimating a predicted debris-flows volumes using an 1) empirical Precipitation-Event Volume Analysis and 2) physical Sediment-Bulking Volume Analysis.  The two analysis allow for designers to develop realistic hazard reduction measures for site development improvements.

Draper, Utah

One Airport Phase - II Fault Hazard Evaluation

A 30-acre site near the Salt Lake City International Airport was investigated for exposure to surface fault rupture hazards related to the active West Valley fault zone.  Trenching on the site revealed fault displacements of pre-historic Great Salt Lake sediments on the eastern margin of the site.  Fault setback recommendations using State of Utah guidelines calculated and recommended for site development planning and layout for the proposed commercial/industrial use of the site.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Desolation-Gray .gpx River Atlas

A compilation of GIS data pertaining to river runners’ feature locations between Sand Wash and Swaseys Ramp on the Green River, Utah, USA. Data points compiled from digital sources including RiverMaps Deso-Gray.gpx; www.riverbrain.com Desolation-Canyon.gpx; and personal observations recorded in the field.  Background scenes include geoprocessed shaded relief surfaces and elevation contouring developed from USGS 5-meter auto-correlated Digital Elevation Models, and aerial natural color imagery produced by the USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). 

Desolation-Gray Canyon, Utah

Geologic and Geoseismic Studies, Austin-Wall Dam Level II Study

Evaluated engineering geology and geological hazards for the Austin-Wall Dam.  Seismic hazard characterization was also conducted to utilizing state of the art Next Generation Attenuation Relationships (NGA) criteria to estimate the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) and the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) seismic response for the dam site. 

Fort Bridger, Wyoming

Cool Open-Source River .gpx Data Apps Avaiable Online

Tutorial guide prepared to demonstrate river runners online .gpx (GPS) data availability, and practice use applications.

Huntsville, Utah