GCS Geoscience

Greg Schlenker PhD PG


Engineering Geology

Geographic Information

Environmental Planning


 d|(801) 745 0262

m|(801) 458-0207



Slope Stability/Subsidence /Karst Hazards

Exploration trenches deployed at the proposed Pinion Mill site to evaluate the presence or absence of fissuring or collapse related to the underlying Hermosa Formation, Montrose County, Colorado

Surface Fault Rapture Hazard and Karst Evaluation, Proposed Piñon Ridge Uranium Mill Site, Montrose County, Colorado – Project Geologist 2008.  As part of a general engineering geology evaluation for the uranium mill site, the potential for Quaternary faulting and karst development were identified on the 880-acre site.  The potential hazards were related to the salt-dome collapse structure defining the Paradox Valley where the site was located.  Seismic refraction lines identified bedrock displacement at depth, and field observations identified karst activity near the site.  To evaluate whether the displacements at depth projected to the surface and displaced Quaternary deposits, nearly 3,000 feet of exploration trenches were excavated across the areas of the site scheduled for improvements.  Stratigraphic units were delineated on the basis of soil units truncated by calcium carbonate horizons, and trench walls were logged at a scale of 1-inch to 5-feet.  The results of the trenching indicated that Quaternary displacement did not appear to be present in the areas trenched.  To evaluate karst, a GPS survey was conducted to document “circular feature” areas identified on aerial photography on and in the vicinity of the site.  A total of 35 circular feature” areas were visited and documented, with none of these areas showing evidence karst activity.

Engineering Geology Support for Slope Stability Issues Eaglepointe Residential Subdivision; North Salt Lake, Utah, Senior Geologist 2014.  Reviewed and reconnoitered on-going slope stability event at the Eaglepointe subdivision for the geotechnical engineer.  Un expected catastrophic movement occurred August 5, 2014, during review period.   Pre-failure observations indicated cracking and distress of subject slopes, and inclinometer movements. Post failure observations included mapping of landslide scale, observations of pre-failure fill placements, and staffing geotechnical drilling operations.  Opinions of conditions and events were provided as a third-party source to the geotechnical engineer.






Pre-failure and post-failure images of the Eaglepointe slope, North Salt, Utah

Landsliding on the South Fork and Cooley Creek Fork of the Twelvemile Creek drainage, Manti - LaSal National Forest, affects irrigation systems for the Gunnison-Mayfield irrigation districts, Sanpete County, Utah


Geological Evaluation and Support for Geotechnical Planning and Economic Cost-Benefit Analyses for Control of Sediment in Irrigation Water from Twelvemile Creek; Sanpete County, Utah - Project Manager, 2008 through 2010. Water from the Twelvemile drainage has been used for irrigation by farmers and ranchers surrounding the communities of Mayfield and Gunnison, Utah since the mid 1800’s. Historical landslide movement beginning in the 1980’s in Twelvemile drainage has resulted in excessive suspended sediments that result in infrastructure damage and production losses on the order a half-million dollars annually. Incumbent provided engineering geology support and expertise for a multi-agency team tasked with developing a feasible strategy for mitigating the losses from sediment. This on-going project includes stakeholders from federal, state and county agencies.

Landslide Hazards Questar ML 104 Gooseberry Creek Crossing, Sanpete County, Utah

Geological and Geotechnical Responses to EIS Performance Standards for Proposed Natural Gas Mainline, Questar Regulated Services - Gooseberry Creek Crossing; Sanpete County, Utah - Project Geologist/Project Manager, 2001.  Steep slopes surrounding the incised Gooseberry Creek crossing were affected by past (inactive)and active landslide movement.  Steep slope-landslide areas surrounding the crossing area were mapped and reconnoitered in the field.  Alternative routing for proposed ML 104 pipeline was recommended to avoid existing landslide hazards.

Geological and Geotechnical Responses to EIS Performance Standards for Proposed Natural Gas Mainline, Questar Regulated Services - Skyline Mine Crossing; Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah - Project Geologist/Project Manager, 2001.  Investigated an approximately two mile section of right-of-way for the proposed ML 104 pipeline.  Right-of-way section had been undermined by longwall mining activity by Canyon Fuels LLC., between 1990 and 2000.  Questar intended to route the proposed 24-inch ML 104 pipeline across the undermined area.  Mining data and subsidence monitoring records were reviewed and future subsidence movements were calculated.  Best management practices to accommodate for latent subsidence movement, and fractured foundation strata were developed and recommended for pipeline construction.





Skip, survey monitor dog, Questar ML 41 Skyline Mine crossing, observing subsidence monitoring monument, Carbon County, Utah

Distressed 18" x50 pipe recovered from abandoned Questar ML 41, Skyline Mine crossing, Carbon County, Utah


The Cahaba River, all 190 miles of it, is the longest remaining free-flowing river in Alabama. Environmental opposition lead to the investigation Cahaba River Trunk Sewer Tunnel in Jefferson County, Alabama

Stability Assessment, Cahba River Trunk Sewer Tunnel; Jefferson County, Alabama - Project Manager, 2002.  A professional team was retained to assess as third-party experts for the geotechnical engineering and geologic hazards that could potentially impact the 12-foot diameter tunnel crossing beneath the Cahaba River near Birmingham Alabama. As an independent entity the team examined the project from two different time frames, namely the construction period and the operational period. Based on an inspection of the site, inspection of existing tunnels in the vicinity of the planned crossing, a review of the geotechnical samples, a review of geological and mining information and records, a review of the plans and specifications for the work, a review of the construction calculations and construction plans, discussions with the engineers and constructors involved with the projects, and a review of transcripts from public hearing and numerous documents pertaining to this crossing the team concurred with the original finding that this tunnel crossing could be safely built and safely operated through its life cycle.